
MISR Hosts Lecture Series on India and China

11 Jun, 2012

Makerere Institute of Social Research hosted two lecture series by leading international scholars Partha Chatterjee and Wang Hui on India and on China. The lecture series are part of MISR’s program to bring intellectuals from around the world to help broaden our understanding of global intellectual traditions. These are part of the intellectual and physical renovation of MISR begun by Director Mahmood Mamdani in 2010.

Nyanzi on President Jammeh's HIV/AIDS Healing Saga in The Gambia

11 Jun, 2012

Stella Nyanzi has published a book chapter entitled President Jammeh's HIV/AIDS Healing Saga in The Gambia, that is published in the edited volume entitled African Responses to HIV/AIDS: Between Speech and Action. The book editors are Dr. Johnson Ige Segun and Prof. Tim Quinlan. The book is published by the University of KwaZulu Natal Press. The author discusses a notorious example of poor leadership in Africa, and its disastrous effects on a country. According to the editors in their introduction,

Nyanzi Reports on her Fellowship at University of Western Cape

06 Jun, 2012

Dr. Stella Nyanzi is one of three Ugandans who received the early post-doctoral fellowship of the African Humanities Program for the 2011-2012 academic year. Started in 2009-2010, the African Humanities Program is implemented by the American Council of Learned Societies with funds from the Carnegie Corporation (see  This competitive fellowship targets both doctoral students in their final year and early post-doctoral fellows who are not more than four years past their doctorate degree.

Africa between Internal Reform and External Intervention

20 Jan, 2012

Conference Concept Note:

Are there competing visions for a post-Cold War Africa?  And, indeed, competing institutions and competing powers that seek to put those competing visions in place?  

There is new urgency to these questions, as a string of internal crises has given rise to an array of African and external interventions in places as far apart as Libya and Ivory Coast, Darfur, South Sudan, and Kenya's Rift Valley, and Northern Uganda and Somalia.