Nine MISR students awarded the 2024-2025 Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa (Next Gen) Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship Award.

23 Jun, 2024,

We heartily congratulate nine of our continuing students whose projects have been awarded the 2024-2025 Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa (Next Gen) Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Fellowship Award. The award will support their ongoing projects, titled as follows:

Robert Birungi - “The Nexus Between Ethnicity and Land Conflicts: A Critical Analysis of The Banyoro-Bafuruki Violence in Uganda,”

Freweini Tekle Kidane - “Social Reproduction: The Political-Economy of State and Nation-Building in Post-independence Eritrea,”

Kenechukwu Nwachukwu - “State Power and the Production of History: Reading Post-Independence Nigeria's Political History through the IPOB Separatist Agitation,”

Olivia Komuhangi - “Political Discourse in Stand-Up Comedy and Editorial Cartooning in Uganda, 1996-2021,”

Muhuruzi Mary Kajumba - “An analysis of history writing: political imagination of Bunyoro Kitara kingdom and its cumulative impact on the formation of the national project,”

Nicholas Odoyo - “Rural Land Struggles and Social Differentiation in Kenya: Contradictions of Post-Colonial Land Reforms,”

Olive Lomokol - “Shifting perspectives on "pastoral" violence: the persistence of the "Karamoja Problem" in Uganda,”

Ssenoga Hamudan - “Last Becomes First: The Politics of Mwe Abali Mu Kintu and the Nationality Question in Uganda.,”

Stanley Kiswaga - “Theatre for Development and the Nation: Rethinking nation-building in ‘post-socialist Tanzania’,”