Good academic standing means that you are completing courses in a timely manner, maintaining at least a “B” grade average, and fulfilling all requirements as MISR and Makerere rules stipulate. A student’s progress will be reviewed every semester by the entire Ph.D. Teaching Team. All funding is contingent upon being in good academic standing.

A student loses his or her good academic standing if any of the following occurs:

  1. The student receives a grade lower than a “C” in any course in year 1
  2. The student receives a grade lower than a “B” in any course in years 2 and 3.
  3. The student receives a cumulative Grade Point Average lower than 4.2 in years 1, 2, or 3.
  4. The student has two unexcused absences for any one class.
  5. The student receives an unexcused incomplete in any one class.

An “Unexcused” absence or incomplete is one that is not the result of medical reasons or other personal emergencies. Decisions on whether absences and incompletes are excused or not will be subject to the consideration of the MISR faculty, as will decisions concerning the revocation of good academic standing and loss of fellowship.

It should be noted that any student who has two or more incompletes for any reason will not be allowed to enroll until the work for those courses has been completed to the satisfaction of the instructor.

In addition, decisions on the reinstatement of the fellowship will be subject to the consideration of the MISR Academic Board.