Stella Nyanzi presents papers to diverse audiences in the USA

16 Dec, 2013,

Dr. Stella Nyanzi presented papers based on her ethnographic research to students, faculty and social activists based at different institutions in the USA in November 2013. The presentations are outlined below:

  1. A paper entitled ‘The Poetics and Politics of Studying African Sexual Behaviour: Reflections of an Anthropologist’ was presented to doctoral students on 19/11/2013 at the Division of Global Affairs, Conklin Hall, Rutgers University – Newark. Michael Zboray was the convener.
  2. A paper entitled ‘Re-Writing our Queer Selves Back into our Histories in Contemporary Uganda’ was presented in Prof. Said Samatar’s class on the History of Africa at Rutgers University – Newark.
  3. A paper entitled ‘Queer African Scholarship: Queerying African Modes of Knowing, Africanizing Queer Frames of Thinking’ was presented in Prof. Wendell Holbrook’s class on Black Political Thought in the Department of African American and African Studies at Rutgers University – Newark.
  4. A paper entitled ‘Thinking with “Africa” and “Culture” in Contemporary Uganda’s Homosexuality Debates’ was presented in Prof. Wendell Holbrook’s class on African Cultural Retentions in the Department of African American and African Studies at Rutgers University – Newark. 
  5. A paper entitled ‘Interrogating Invisibilization through Overt Heterosexualization of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Africa’ was presented at a Symposium on Maternal and Child Mortality and HIV/AIDS in Africa held at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, New Brunswick on 18/11/2013. The symposium was convened by Prof. Meredeth Turshen and included prominent academics working on diverse aspects of AIDS in Africa namely Eileen Stillwaggon, Francis Barchi, Tefera Gezmu, and Suzanne Willard.

For abstracts of papers presented please see

  1. A paper entitled ‘The Politics of Labels: Exploring the “Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah” in Contemporary Uganda’ was presented at the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights during the launch of their Sexuality and Gender Minorities Program on 15/11/2013. The convener was Derek Demeri.
  2. A paper entitled ‘Global-Local Linkages and Tensions in Same-Sex Debates in Contemporary Uganda’ was presented in Prof. Jack Ume Tocco’s class on Sexuality and Eroticism in Global Perspective at Rutgers University, Cook Campus – New Brunswick on 14/11/2013.
  3. A paper entitled ‘(Re)Criminalizing Same-Sex, Love and Intimacy in Contemporary Uganda’ was presented in Prof. Arlene Stein’s class on Sex, Love and Intimacy at Rutgers University, Douglass Campus – New Brunswick on 13/11/2013.
  4. Presentations were also made at the offices of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Carnegie Corporation in New York.